I’ve learned so much from Steve. Alexander Technique is a subtle, powerful practice. To call it “life changing” is simultaneously true and misleading. Steve simply has shown me the ways that I’m unconsciously, accidentally, perniciously hurting myself with the way I stand, sit, type, and work. And sing. And surf. He’s taught me how to notice the way I hold tension in my shoulders, and how to let them relax. Sounds simple — it’s not. It requires constant awareness of your body. But that awareness becomes more automatic over time, if you’re diligent.

I get monthly migraines. I usually take a cocktail of pain meds to manage them, but my day is always ruined. Last week was intense for me, and I should have gotten a migraine. Instead, I kept noticing again and again the moments when I was holding tension in my head and neck and shoulders and I just gently let them release. And that migraine never happened. I’m wary of declaring victory over my migraines, or saying the Alexander Technique can cure something that’s plagued me my whole life, but these ways of being aware and gentle with my body are life changing. I intend to carry and develop these processes for the rest of my life. I’m so glad I’m learning this at age 32. Thank you!!
— Wyatt R.
Steve is a wonderful teacher - as a writer who spends hours every day hunched at the desk, Alexander Technique has taught me how to change my attention to movement in a way that nothing else has been able to.
— Ruby M.
I have various aches and pains, a total knee replacement and complex rotator cuff surgery. I have an AT lesson with Steven every two weeks and it has literally done wonders...it has to be one of the best kept secrets in health care.
— Torben M.
I started Alexander Technique with Steve because I’ve been suffering with sciatica for a couple of years, and treatments I sought out weren’t helping. Working with Steve helped pinpoint the habits I have that exacerbate the pain: what I learned as a child was the “right” posture, the way I bend over to pick something up or tie my shoes, the positioning of my head and neck while sitting at my desk. With each session I found myself more mindful about what I could do with less strain, where I was holding unnecessary tension that could be released. And this is all slowly becoming part of my new habit dictionary and pattern of movement, which is a great feeling. I have much less back and leg pain throughout the day, and when I do feel pain I have tools to help relieve it before it gets worse. Steve asks the right questions, listens to the responses, and is intuitive in the way he approaches your issue. The sessions are also somewhat meditative, I leave feeling lighter.

I would highly recommend AT with Steve, whether or not you have a specific problem to target, there’s a lot to gain.
— Dana B.
I had no idea what AT was before I began my lessons with Steve. To call it a movement technique is to diminish the impact of the wonderful lessons that have altered — and continue to so do — not only how I sit, stand, or move but also how I think and concentrate.
— Mohit G.
I had the chance of taking Alexander Technique lessons with Steve. Within 3 weeks, my neck and shoulder issues that had been present for years improved dramatically! Thank you Steve !
— E.B.
After a fall with 2 spinal compression fractures I was left with mid back pain, unsteadiness and extreme fear of falling. Alexander Technique was recommended in a book on recovery from osteoporosis.I was fortunate to find Steve Moses, a very experienced and skilled Alexander teacher who has been working with me for several months. It’s hard to put into words the benefits I have received. My pain is markedly improved as is my balance.But most important is the feeling of confidence with movement that i have acquired with Steve and Alexander Technique. Even the repetitive strain issues in my arms from computer work that plagued me for years have improved. Steve is a great teacher, approachable & thoughtful, he lives the Alexander work and encourages me to expand and try new approaches - without pushing beyond my abilities or tolerance. In his teaching, Steve is wise and integrates yoga, dance and other healing modalities. Would highly recommend Steve Moses and Alexander Technique to anyone who wants to learn how to be in the world more gracefully, mindfully, effortlessly and painlessly.
— Maria R.
Learning the Alexander Technique has taught me about common patterns of movement and effort that contribute to chronic pain. Through regular lessons the body is slowly and easily trained to complete everyday activities with less strain and tension, allowing the body to move with greater ease. I now have faith that even if I go through a painful episode, I have techniques to use that will soon bring me back to comfort. Jaimi and Steve are both kind and knowledgeable guides who care deeply about their work and their clients. After many years of massage, physical therapy, acupuncture and other treatments, learning the Alexander Technique has done the most to sustainably eliminate pain from my daily life and give me optimism for the future. Thank you!
— Alyssa T
I started working one-on-one with Steve seven years ago, and have found so much meaning and growth through my Alexander Technique journey with him. The last year has been completely online, and Steve’s guidance translates remarkably well through the screen. We primarily work within the context of yoga— exploring how to integrate AT within asana. For both my personal practice and for the classes I teach, AT has subtly yet radically influenced how I approach movement. I’ve gotten to know my own body, movement patterns, and thought patterns so much more intimately. And been given tools to find more freedom, creativity and ease within my life as a whole. Steve is a compassionate, curious, and incredibly knowledgeable teacher.
— Sasha S.
I wasn’t quite sure what I hoped to get out of working with Steve when I scheduled my first 1:1 session. What I did know was that I was open to trying something new and searching for an experience to help provide balance in my life. I’ve seen a number of people note in their reviews of the Alexander Technique that it’s difficult to describe the shifts this practice invites, but it’s worth stating again. While what you learn in each lesson is hard to qualify through language, it’s empowering to recognize the changes in your body and life that occur early in the process and over the course of time. Each lesson is simultaneously routine and transformative. I’ve experienced a greater recognition of the amount of stress I hold in my body, an increased sense of openness, a significant reduction in the tension I carry in my neck and shoulders, and a feeling of calm and overall expansion. While the content of lessons can appear quite simple from the outside, I come away from each feeling as though Steve has tailored every movement specifically for me, guiding and meeting me where I am every time I enter the room.
— Ashton B.
Thanks to Steve’s commitment to the Alexander Technique (AT), and to his talent and gift as an AT practitioner, I am experiencing a new freedom within my body, of ease and grace in movement. I came to Steve a few weeks ago because I was dealing with chronic neck and back pain; and with Steve’s guidance and use of the AT methods, my neck is feeling less tension, and my back - well pain free! I would highly recommend Steve as an outstanding practitioner to any one considering better use of their body.
— Rocio B.
Steve is incredible!!! It is such a tremendous pleasure to work him. I have been doing the Alexander Technique lessons for several months now and the results are tremendous. Scoliosis and an intensive spinal surgery have lead me to seek out many modalities for my chronic pain. AT has been one of the most insightful and healing processes during this journey. It has helped me to improve my muscle functioning and retrain old patterns of movement that have been limiting me and causing distress to my body. Each lesson is so revealing - illuminating these old patterns and subtly - yet profoundly - suggesting another way.
— Carly W.
I have been taking Alexander Technique lessons from Steve Moses for a month and a half now. I came with hopes of learning how to move with more ease and better alignment, and for extra support in calming my nervous system.The lessons have been very helpful. I always leave them feeling lighter in my body and with a sense of relaxed confidence. At a recent lesson, I felt a significant moment of connection and ease in a movement that had unknowingly been much more difficult before; it felt like a powerful breakthrough out of an unconscious holding pattern. There seems to be a “building” quality to the work, so I am excited to see where continuing the lessons will take me. It has already proven to be a wonderful compliment to the other healing work I am doing.Steve is a skilled and patient practitioner. He creates an engaging space of discovery and non-judgment, and the lessons feel simultaneously focused and flexible. I really feel as though he is tuning into me as an individual in the present moment, rather than say, applying some technique.
— Sara M.
I couldn’t recommend studying the Alexander Technique with Steve more. He’s extremely knowledgeable, thoughtful, gentle, and kind with a constant ability to translate thoughts and ideas about movement into simple, digestible words that resonate. I leave each lesson feeling taller, calmer, and with the beautiful reminder to “do less.”
— Lizzie H.
I’ve always been fond of looking further into things we take for granted, like posture. The idea that our daily life is causing us to collapse is something I want to resist. Alexander Technique has helped me bring balance and equilibrium into daily life. I find myself focusing whereas before my mind drifted.
— Joe K.
I’ve been practicing Alexander Technique with Steve for about 3 months. I sought out lessons after chronic back and shoulder pain became unbearable, sensing that there were ways I could move and hold my body that would be better for it than my habits. I really look forward to my lessons twice a week—I generally leave feeling lighter, easier and freer within my body. The cumulative effects show up in my daily life as I sit, stand, and move about, often noticing some tension I could let go or some relaxation I could feel.The practice is a relaxed thing, subtle and a relatively slow build. This can feel hard to trust because so often we’re sure that we’ll have to work hard, apply lots of effort, and that progress should immediately make itself evident. My experience has been one of slowly easing up and learning to feel into my body and notice the places I’m holding tension. Over the months I’ve begun to be able to loosen some (not all) of the tight places that are often painful, bound up and blocked in my low back, sides, shoulders. I’m starting to feel what it is to move in a connected way, to sit in a chair in a way that feels easy. I’m still working on standing comfortably at the sink. My sense is that the technique offers me a new understanding of my chronic pain and how to loosen its grip.

It’s easy to recommend Steve, he’s easy to be with and his knowledge of the technique is extensive. I appreciate that we can talk about how it all works on a nerdy level or we can quietly pay attention to sensation. I’m very happy with how this is going.
— Chika O.
I couldn’t recommend studying the Alexander Technique with Steve more. He’s extremely knowledgeable, thoughtful, gentle, and kind with a constant ability to translate thoughts and ideas about movement into simple, digestible words that resonate. I leave each lesson feeling taller, calmer, and with the beautiful reminder to “do less.
— Lizzie H.
I have worked with Steve for over a year now. As a teacher he is kind, insightful, and an all around delight to work with. What I have learned with him has made my back pain go away and allowed me to recover a range of movement I had forgotten I ever had.

His help was instrumental in giving me the ease and fluidity that helped propel me to victory in the Best USA Sommelier competition earlier this year and I strongly recommend his work for anybody for whom movement is a part of their living - and anyone who just likes to move
— Mark G.